Saturday, August 09, 2003

what's the difference with living in the burbs vs. the city

( a real city like San Francisco, NYC, Boston , not LA where everything is spread out).


First of all.. surburban people are territorial about the parking spots in front of their homes. Why is that?
Not sure. It's not like they own the street. In the city ( San Francisco) people are just glad to have any parking spot. But people in the burbs always look out their window to see who parked in front of their house. Sometimes to protect themselves of this event, home owner will park his/her second car in front so that no one will park in spot

And why is it that people in the burbs are always trying to get the closest parking spots to the strip mall stores.

The other day, there was parking spots open all over the place in front of the Trader Joe's and this guy in the mini van pulls up the spot just to the left pf me because it was closer to trader joe's. But the spot to right of me was open as well.

Unfortunately for him the spot to the left of me, was made for a short car because it had a little island in front. In addition to the island, there was a Trader Joe's shopping cart in front. As he approached the spot , he realized he wasn't going to fit. He then got out of the car and put the shopping cart onto the parking island. Next he proceeded to move his mini van into the spot. The mini van knocked out the shopping cart. The rear of the mini van still stuck out. All of this because of closer parking spot.

In short people in the Burbs spend so much jockeying for parking spots, instead just finding a spot and going about their business.

I just don't get it.


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